
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Life had been a little tough for me and Jeff, I've never imagined that we will reach as far as getting money from a person who lends money for an interest rate of 20 percent. Whew that was hard, getting just P4000 was really tough, I had to come up with some IDs, since I wasn't that informed and we badly needed the money I had to leave our medicards and his work ID. Good thing was a week ago he was able to get his back pay that was due last month, which we waited for so long. God still blessed us and we were able to get back my ATM and the IDs we left her. We were also able to survive this week's so to speak, drought. With just P1000 we're now trying to survive until my payday on Friday and his payday on the 15th. By then, we would be able to pay our debts. The P500 I owe my friend, the P500 we owe our Godmother, my credit card bill that amounted to I guess, P10,000, our rent for P6000 and some other bills I really have to pay. I know God will give us the courage to pursue life together while battling life's challenges.


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