One Reunion I'll Never Forget

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I've always been wanting to meet up with my highschool classmates/batchmates. Some of who I know and have been my friend through facebook and friendster tried to reach out and invited me to the first reunion held early this year, but I never had the guts to face them. It was maybe because of the trauma I had back in highschool. I was always like the odd man out, the unique one and the loner type. I had few friends that so few I didn't give myself a chance knowing and befriending other classmates/batchmates.
In my early years in highschool I've always been aloof and tried to perfect the art of invisibility. All I wanted to do back then is study and finish school immediately so I could go home, maybe because I wasn't used to the environment. At home, I hear neighbors screaming at the top of their lungs early in the morning, hearing ungodly words and curses. In school, you'll hear prayers each and every after subject, singing of my classmates during breaktime. At home, I do most of the housechores, at school, we concentrate on exams. It should be an enjoyable experience but for me, it was different. It's like living in two worlds at the same time.
I know at some point, some of my classmates did try to reach out, it's just me that won't take their hand and get to know them. I tried to burry my face infront of many books in the library instead of chitchating with them.
Another point I guess was our social status. Most of my classmates/batchmates are from the richest of Bulacan, some relatives of some known politician and next to kin of some known businessmen. I find it hard to enter their world as I come from a poor family with nothing to offer but simple friendship.
And after years of contemplating if I should attend a reunion if ever there will be one, I finally decided to attend this years' highschool reunion Christmas party. I must admit, it was fun, I thought at first they'll just not pay attention and would be the snobs that I have known back then but I was wrong. Some of them still know me and we're even happy I was there. Though I couldn't share stories of what happened to who and why, atleast I was there.
I finally proved to myself that I'm not that different from what they are, and now, I'm being my real self. That money is just secondary, happiness should always be my priority.
Thanks to Jeff for encouraging me to go and going with me as well. It was fun, I had fun and I'm hoping to attend the next parties/reunions that the batch will have.

New Template (cute)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Alright, got a new theme downloaded from the net, thanks to Google and Ipietoon. Finally, a non-black template that suits my next target subject, I'll be adding a new twist on my blog, aside from my marriage life experiences, travels, I'll be adding food as my subject. I've always had a thing for food, it shows in my huge figure, but I haven't been able to share it here, so I'll be adding a new post about food in the next few entries. For now, please enjoy the new template.
Also, the template still lacks some tabs so I'll try to tweak it a bit in the next few days.

Theme... Gone..

What happened to my blog theme?!?

I'll be updating and uploading a new theme tonight, hopefully.

Watch out guys. I'm still in the look though.

Any recommendations?

Mini IPhone

Friday, December 18, 2009

Last December 16 we decided to go to GH (GreenHills) to purchase Jeff's much awaited phone. Though we have some units in mind to look for, we were still hoping to find a good find, aka. great features and affordable. There was heavy traffic that day and we got to GH a little past 5 PM. We immediately searched through the stores and found several good finds but the budget is quite tight so had to find a good phone and within our target budget rate.

One seller was showing of their newly acquired MyPhone with TV, a locked phone through Smart, still within 1 year of warranty, although no box and no accessories, seller said we had to back the day after so we could get the box. I was salivating on this phone as it looks sleek and not a China phone, my primary requirement. The problem is that it's for P5K, way beyond our budget. So we head to another store.

We then saw this guy in orange and automatically offered us a mini Iphone (China) for a measly P2.8K. We checked it out, I find it really neat, although Jeff would have trouble texting (SMS) because of his huge fingers. The seller then offered him another phone, another China made but with so many features, TV, FM, camera, also a touch screen. While he's checking it out, I then forgot about the MyPhone and started salivating on the Iphone Mini, it was so cute and though I've had the N70 for years I would really want a second phone. But I was still having second thoughts, I mean it's still a China phone, we just decided to eat dinner at Brothers Burger so I could decide if I should get the phone or not. After much thinking, I finally decided to give in. Jeff decided to buy it for me.

Here are some of the pics, hopefully the phones will last longer than I expect it to be.

EchoLai Dinner Date

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm not a huge fan of PBB Double Up, but I really enjoyed watching Melay (Melissa) and some of the housemates. Since Jeff and I have been going out quite frequent these days I failed to watch the primetime, so, just to keep myself updated, I check out youtube for the recent updates about Melissa. Lo and behold she had a date with Echo. Whoa, I'm not an Echo fan but their dinner certainly made me envious of Melissa, lol.

December Updates

Monday, December 14, 2009

I have not been able to update my blog as often as I wanted to, busy with work, busy with the season and busy with my life. I have so many things to think about, well, I'm done with Christmas shopping, dinner with Jeff's family and I thought I was near completing MJ's fixtures.

I wanted to focus more of my time saving for the future and my gift for Jeff. With the budget of minimum of 3K pesos, I wonder if the Iphone (China made) will be suitable. Think, think, think...

The dinner with Jeff's family was a blast. I may have not mentioned it ever, but I missed them. I think it has been months since I last saw his mom, brothers, SIL and nieces. The date wasn't the original plan but I guess they missed me too to have it moved on a Sunday.

Originally, I saved last Sunday to meet up with my Odesk friends, it's been exactly 1 year since we last met and I've been dying to meet them again. But sudden change of plans, I really had to attend the family dinner, so sorry friends, I'll make it up to you next time.

Also, last Sunday was Marsha's (Maricris' daughter) birthday celebration, I promised Maricris (my highschool friend) to attend the celebration, but due to the unforseen events we just had to drop by their house hours before the celebration, I hope Marsha enjoyed my gift for her.

After nearly a year of not wearing my favorite jeans, I did wear it last Sunday. It's still a little tight but thanks to my ever reliable no rice diet on dinners I survived the whole day wearing it. When I gained a lot of weight I started losing hope of wearing my jeans again and some of my tight blouses, but now, I'm excited to wear them again in the next few months (I hope).

Back in the years when the call center industry is the only source of my tight income, Christmas and New Year pays were my salvation. Now, from what our boss informed us months back, we will be given double pays for those who will be on shift on December 24-25 and December 31 and January 1. Yey!

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