December Updates

Monday, December 14, 2009

I have not been able to update my blog as often as I wanted to, busy with work, busy with the season and busy with my life. I have so many things to think about, well, I'm done with Christmas shopping, dinner with Jeff's family and I thought I was near completing MJ's fixtures.

I wanted to focus more of my time saving for the future and my gift for Jeff. With the budget of minimum of 3K pesos, I wonder if the Iphone (China made) will be suitable. Think, think, think...

The dinner with Jeff's family was a blast. I may have not mentioned it ever, but I missed them. I think it has been months since I last saw his mom, brothers, SIL and nieces. The date wasn't the original plan but I guess they missed me too to have it moved on a Sunday.

Originally, I saved last Sunday to meet up with my Odesk friends, it's been exactly 1 year since we last met and I've been dying to meet them again. But sudden change of plans, I really had to attend the family dinner, so sorry friends, I'll make it up to you next time.

Also, last Sunday was Marsha's (Maricris' daughter) birthday celebration, I promised Maricris (my highschool friend) to attend the celebration, but due to the unforseen events we just had to drop by their house hours before the celebration, I hope Marsha enjoyed my gift for her.

After nearly a year of not wearing my favorite jeans, I did wear it last Sunday. It's still a little tight but thanks to my ever reliable no rice diet on dinners I survived the whole day wearing it. When I gained a lot of weight I started losing hope of wearing my jeans again and some of my tight blouses, but now, I'm excited to wear them again in the next few months (I hope).

Back in the years when the call center industry is the only source of my tight income, Christmas and New Year pays were my salvation. Now, from what our boss informed us months back, we will be given double pays for those who will be on shift on December 24-25 and December 31 and January 1. Yey!


Anonymous said...

hey, advanced merry christmas!
back to regular work kn pala ulet. hope you have a great holiday at goodluck din sa pagdidiet! ;)

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