Closure Number 1

Saturday, October 8, 2011

It feels good to get a closure from a very terrifying experience from an ex. Yes, it was terrifying because I encountered depression for months because of his stalking, well the rest is history so I won't mention anything else. The incident was ages ago and the trauma he gave me was humongous that I can still recall how frightened I was whenever I would hear a ring from a phone. The incident affected me so much that I didn't use my cellphone for a few months due to trauma.

After years of trying to recover and wanting to forget about them and move on, he's back adding me in Facebook. I was hesitant at first but I still gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe, just maybe, he's moved on. So after a few weeks of not really bringing the topic up, I finally had the courage to ask him for a short skype conversation. I told him that I'm already hoping he's moved on from the incident and how difficult it was for me to accept his friendship request in FB. That I was traumatized with how he stalked me. He said that he realized that it was a mistake and that he's deeply sorry for what he's done. I accepted his apology and I said I already moved on.

I don't intent to get close with him again, I know the memories of the past will keep lingering but I know I have nothing to worry because God is beside me. I just wished him the best and I'm proud of myself for facing my fears, including the damage he's done to me psychologically.


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