One Final Blow

Monday, September 5, 2011

I've officially filed an incident report to our Baranggay. I always managed to control my anger especially in front of an elderly. However, this one particular neighbor managed to bring out the worst in me. Like super worst.

Each week, he'll turn up the volume of his speakers and play his collection of songs. I'd probably sing a long if they were music from Rihanna, J-Lo or whoever. But no, this guy plays the silliest covers that you'll only hear in the bangketas.

The only time he'll turn down the volume is if someone brave enough to ask him to turn it down a little. And for four weeks that we have been here, it has always been me.

Around noon, he started again his weekly routine. He kept turning up the volume for a good 2 hours till I can't take it anymore. I went to his rented room and asked me turn it down a bit, my husband works in the call center and I can't let him not sleep just because of this idiot. After a good 15-30 minutes he turned if down a bit. Around 4 PM I brought my dog out for a wall and stayed at my mom's which is just next door. A couple of minutes after my grandpa said Kiko was in front of our house and drunk.

I immediately went home and there he was standing in front of our door. I asked him what's his business about. And he kept mumbling things only a drunk like him would understand. I asked him to just rest and come back when he's sober but he kept rattling like he's someone who owns the entire place. I asserted my rights as his neighbor and brought it to the attention of the Baranggay. I was fuming with anger and they scheduled for us to meet on Wednesday. I'll keep you guys updated.


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